Frequently Asked Questions
Can-AIM High School was founded in 2007 and has been in operation since.
Yes. Can-AIM High School has been issued a BSID number by Ministry of Education and is listed as a private school on the Ministry Website. The school has authority to grant credits towards Ontario Secondary School Diploma(OSSD). The credits you get at our School are good to get admission in other Schools, Colleges and Universities in Ontario as well as other provinces of Canada. They are also good to get admission in overseas educational institutions based on their eligibility requirements. You can check our school’s authorization by Ministry of education by using the following link.
High School students, mature students and newcomers to Canada can get credits if they are eligible. For eligibility criteria please contact the office.
We offer High School credits from grade 9 to 12 in various subjects. For full list of courses please click the link.
Full-time students attend school Monday to Friday from 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM. Part-time students have greater flexibility to attend classes. Part-time students are expected to attend at least 11 hours per week for 10 weeks. Each class has a duration of 2.5 hours and students can attend either the morning, afternoon or evening sessions. The school is open from 9.00 AM to 7.30 PM, Monday to Thursday, and from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Friday. We’re even open on Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Can-AIM offers competitive prices within the GTA to get high School credits. For full details on pricing please check out our admissions page.
We accept various payment options include debit/credit cards, cheque, e-transfers and cash. A receipt will be given at time of payment.
Students can get their own textbooks. Can-AIM rents out the text books for $10 per book. These books must be returned at the end of the term.
Can-AIM classes are 5-7 students.
Report cards are issued 1 week after final exams. Student must clear their account balance, return the textbook and provide any missing document required by the office in order to get the report card.