
Admission Procedure

Applying to Can-AIM


We endeavor to enroll students who have demonstrated academic achievement, possess a positive attitude toward schooling, and whose parents seek a well-rounded, rigorous education for their child. We look for candidates who will benefit from our educational programs and who will contribute positively to the school community.

Application Process


Students applying for admission must submit a completed application and pay a registration fee of $100.  The following items are necessary at the time of admission.


  • Completed application form
  • Payment
  • Proof of citizenship/Permanent Residency
  • Copy of birth certificate
  • Copy of health card
  • Previous report card showing the prerequisites

Academic Assessment


Grade 9 students are expected to participate in the academic assessment process. This process will help the students to identify thier abilities in mathematics, grammar, vocabulary, spelling and reading.


Grade 10, 11 & 12 students are admitted based on their previous academic records.

Tuition & Fees


Fee is as follows for the current academic year


Full Time Students*

Part Time Students



Full Time Students*

$1500 per semester
(max 4 credits per semester)

Part Time Students

$600 per credit



Full Time Students*

$1750 per semester
(max 4 credits per semester)

Part Time Students

$600 per credit



Full Time Students*

$2000 per semester
(max 4 credits per semester)

Part Time Students

$600 per credit



Full Time Students*

$2000 per semester
(max 4 credits per semester)

Part Time Students

$600 per credit

PLAR Evaluation


Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is the formal evaluation and credit-granting process whereby students may obtain credits for prior learning. Prior learning includes the knowledge and skills that students have acquired, in both formal and informal ways, outside secondary school.

The PLAR process involves two components: “challenge” and “equivalency”.

The “challenge” process is the process whereby students’ prior learning is assessed for the purpose of granting credit for a Grade 10, 11, or 12 course developed from a provincial curriculum policy document published in 1999 or later.

The “equivalency” process is the process of assessing credentials from other jurisdictions.


Can-AIM offers PLAR evaluation to eligible students for a fee of $250.

Fast Track Credits


Can-AIM offers courses on fast track for those students who cannot attend regular classes or need to finish courses faster. Fast track credits allow students to cover the course material much quicker than they would in a regular term period. However, students need to follow criteria set by school while taking fast track credits.


  1. The program must meet the 110 hour requirement, specified by the Ministry of Education
  2. The 110 hours must be finished through classroom instruction.
  3. Students should plan the time table according to the availability of the teacher.